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Authoritative Content: Help Content Show on the First Page of Google

 Authoritative Content: Help Content Show on the First Page of Google

Authoritative Content needs to be created so that your website can appear on the Google search engine, the goal is for the website to have better traffic than before.

This authoritative content is certainly very important to help the website be seen on search engines and social media. Then, what is authoritative content and what are its types, and how do you create it? In the following article, it will be explained more clearly for you.


Authoritative content is content that will provide reliable and clear information to its readers.

So, the content can help readers to get answers and information about something they want to search on Google.

This type of content also has an in-depth and more detailed discussion. So, the website can show that their content was created by someone who is an expert on the topic.

The more content that is loaded on a website, the easier it is for that content to get the highest ranking on the Google search engine.

In addition, content like this can also make a website considered an expert or expert in a particular topic or subject. Thus, the website can increase the trust of readers who want to find out more details about related subjects.

Types of Authoritative Content

There are several types of popular authoritative content that are usually created on the internet. This type of content can certainly encourage people to visit and interact with your website. So, it never hurts to try it. The following are types of authoritative content that you can try, including:

  • Tutorial, a content that provides instructions and steps to do something.
  • A blog article that contains someone's educational content about a topic.
  • Buyer guide is content that helps someone to be able to make decisions when buying goods.
  • Video is content that makes it easier for someone to learn to know a product and its use.
  • Evergreen content is content that is tailored to one's interests and will never go out of style.

How to Create Authoritative Content

According to Google, Expertise, Authoritativeness, Trust (EAT) is a factor in their algorithm that will make content created by a website rank.

So, creating content that can fulfill these factors is classified as authoritative content.

The following are ways that can be done according to the Search Engine Journal and Devrix.

  • Demonstrate Skill

The first thing to do is to show skills or expertise. Demonstrate an in-depth understanding of a topic by checking facts and references in content. Also make sure that the content that is created has no typos or no typing errors, uses alt tags, and meta descriptions.

If you are someone who wants to create content, try to become an expert on a topic that you want to create. Study the topic in depth and convey the information that has been learned accurately.

  • Reporting the Latest Trends

An important part of creating evergreen content is reporting the latest trends. Writing topics about the latest trends or the latest news will also make readers more interested in the content you create.

Observe what people are talking about first, then relate it to the latest trends in your industry. Also make sure to always update the content regularly so that the content remains relevant.

  • Creating Content with Authority

When you want to create authoritative content, make sure that you don't plagiarize or plagiarize content from other people's blog posts. By plagiarizing, you will not only get into a problem, but also appear to have no expertise in the topic raised. To appear authoritative when creating content, there are several things that must be considered, including understanding the topic being discussed, using language that is easy for readers to understand, listing the source and providing examples, and doing proofreading before the content is published.

  • Using Illustrations to Clarify Key Points in Content

Using graphs or tables can certainly help the reader understand what you want to convey. In addition, the written content will look more convincing to the reader. Therefore, make sure to always use illustrations in articles. It should be noted in advance, that illustrations also make the content that is created even more attractive to the attention of many people.

The following are some reasons why illustrations can help to increase the authority of the content created. Can be a supporting point and help readers understand the articles you make, display a professional attitude and increase consumer views of the brand, help educate, entertain, and inspire readers, and make the article structure look neater.

  • Writing Topics from Another Perspective

The way to create authoritative content is to write a topic from a different perspective. Make the audience more interested by writing a topic from a different point of view than usual. The trick, try to see the big picture of a topic and discuss it in a way that no one else has. This will certainly make your content more unique and also differentiate you from other competitors.


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